CreateInstantInvite=0x00000001,// Allows creation of instant invites
KickMembers=0x00000002,// Allows kicking members
BanMembers=0x00000004,// Allows banning members
Administrator=0x00000008,// Allows all permissions and bypasses channel permission overwrites
ManageChannels=0x00000010,// Allows management and editing of channels
ManageGuild=0x00000020,// Allows management and editing of the guild
ReadMessages=0x00000400,// Allows reading messages in a channel.The channel will not appear for users without this permission
SendMessages=0x00000800,// Allows for sending messages in a channel.
SendTTSMessages=0x00001000,// Allows for sending of / tts messages
ManageMessages=0x00002000,// Allows for deletion of other users messages
EmbedLinks=0x00004000,// Links sent by this user will be auto - embedded
AttachFiles=0x00008000,// Allows for uploading images and files
ReadMessageHistory=0x00010000,// Allows for reading of message history
MentionEveryone=0x00020000,// Allows for using the @everyone tag to notify all users in a channel, and the @here tag to notify all online users in a channel
Connect=0x00100000,// Allows for joining of a voice channel
Speak=0x00200000,// Allows for speaking in a voice channel
MuteMembers=0x00400000,// Allows for muting members in a voice channel
DeafenMembers=0x00800000,// Allows for deafening of members in a voice channel
MoveMembers=0x01000000,// Allows for moving of members between voice channels
UseVAD=0x02000000,// Allows for using voice - activity - detection in a voice channel
ChangeNickname=0x04000000,// Allows for modification of own nickname
ManageNicknames=0x08000000,// Allows for modification of other users nicknames
ManageRoles=0x10000000// Allows management and editing of roles