#include "GatewayHandler.hpp" #include #include "APIHelper.hpp" #include "data_structures/User.hpp" extern std::string bot_token; GatewayHandler::GatewayHandler() { last_seq = 0; ah = new APIHelper(); } void GatewayHandler::handle_data(std::string data, client &c, websocketpp::connection_hdl &hdl) { json decoded = json::parse(data); int op = decoded["op"]; switch (op) { case 0: // Event dispatch on_dispatch(decoded, c, hdl); break; case 10: // Hello on_hello(decoded, c, hdl); break; case 11: c.get_alog().write(websocketpp::log::alevel::app, "Heartbeat acknowledged."); break; } } void GatewayHandler::heartbeat(websocketpp::lib::error_code const & ec, client *c, websocketpp::connection_hdl *hdl) { json heartbeat = { { "op", 1 }, { "d", last_seq } }; c->send(*hdl, heartbeat.dump(), websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); c->set_timer(heartbeat_interval, websocketpp::lib::bind( &GatewayHandler::heartbeat, this, websocketpp::lib::placeholders::_1, c, hdl )); c->get_alog().write(websocketpp::log::alevel::app, "Sent heartbeat. (seq: " + std::to_string(last_seq) + ")"); } void GatewayHandler::on_hello(json decoded, client &c, websocketpp::connection_hdl &hdl) { heartbeat_interval = decoded["d"]["heartbeat_interval"]; c.get_alog().write(websocketpp::log::alevel::app, "Heartbeat interval: " + std::to_string(heartbeat_interval / 1000.0f) + " seconds"); c.set_timer(heartbeat_interval, websocketpp::lib::bind( &GatewayHandler::heartbeat, this, websocketpp::lib::placeholders::_1, &c, &hdl )); identify(c, hdl); } void GatewayHandler::on_dispatch(json decoded, client &c, websocketpp::connection_hdl &hdl) { last_seq = decoded["s"]; std::string event_name = decoded["t"]; json data = decoded["d"]; if (event_name == "READY") { user_object.load_from_json(data["user"]); c.get_alog().write(websocketpp::log::alevel::app, "Sign-on confirmed. (@" + user_object.username + "#" + user_object.discriminator + ")"); } else if (event_name == "GUILD_CREATE") { std::string guild_id = data["id"]; guilds[guild_id] = std::make_unique(data); for (json channel : data["channels"]) { std::string channel_id = channel["id"]; channel["guild_id"] = guild_id; // create channel obj, add to overall channel list channels[channel_id] = std::make_unique(channel); // add ptr to said channel list to guild's channel list guilds[guild_id]->channels.push_back(std::shared_ptr(channels[channel_id])); } } else if (event_name == "TYPING_START") {} else if (event_name == "MESSAGE_CREATE") { std::string message = data["content"]; auto channel = channels[data["channel_id"]]; DiscordObjects::User sender(data["author"]); std::vector words; boost::split(words, message, boost::is_any_of(" ")); if (words[0] == "`trivia" || words[0] == "`t") { int questions = 10; int delay = 8; if (words.size() > 3) { ah->send_message(channel->id, ":exclamation: Invalid arguments!"); return; } else if(words.size() > 1) { if (words[1] == "help" || words[1] == "h") { std::string help = "**Base command \\`t[rivia]**. Arguments:\n"; help += "\\`trivia **{x}** **{y}**: Makes the game last **x** number of questions, optionally sets the time interval between hints to **y** seconds\n"; help += "\\`trivia **stop**: stops the ongoing game.\n"; help += "\\`trivia **help**: prints this message\n"; ah->send_message(channel->id, help); return; } else if (words[1] == "stop" || words[1] == "s") { if (games.find(channel->id) != games.end()) { delete_game(channel->id); return; } } else { try { questions = std::stoi(words[1]); if (words.size() == 3) { delay = std::stoi(words[2]); } } catch (std::invalid_argument e) { ah->send_message(channel->id, ":exclamation: Invalid arguments!"); return; } } } games[channel->id] = std::make_unique(this, ah, channel->id, questions, delay); games[channel->id]->start(); } else if (words[0] == "`channels") { std::string m = "Channel List:\n"; for (auto ch : channels) { m += "> " + ch.second->name + " (" + ch.second->id + ") [" + ch.second->type + "] Guild: " + guilds[ch.second->guild_id]->name + " (" + ch.second->guild_id + ")\n"; } ah->send_message(channel->id, m); } else if (words[0] == "`guilds") { std::string m = "Guild List:\n"; for (auto &gu : guilds) { m += "> " + gu.second->name + " (" + gu.second->id + ") Channels: " + std::to_string(gu.second->channels.size()) + "\n"; } ah->send_message(channel->id, m); } else if (games.find(channel->id) != games.end()) { // message received in channel with ongoing game games[channel->id]->handle_answer(message, sender); } } } void GatewayHandler::identify(client &c, websocketpp::connection_hdl &hdl) { json identify = { { "op", 2 }, { "d", { { "token", bot_token }, { "properties", { { "$browser", "Microsoft Windows 10" }, { "$device", "TriviaBot-0.0" }, { "$referrer", "" }, { "$referring_domain", "" } } }, { "compress", false }, { "large_threshold", 250 }, { "shard", { 0, 1 } } } } }; c.send(hdl, identify.dump(), websocketpp::frame::opcode::text); c.get_alog().write(websocketpp::log::alevel::app, "Sent identify payload. Token: " + bot_token); } void GatewayHandler::delete_game(std::string channel_id) { auto it = games.find(channel_id); if (it != games.end()) { it->second->interrupt(); // remove from map games.erase(it); } else { std::cerr << "Tried to delete a game that didn't exist."; } }