
95 lines
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#include <string>
#include "../json/json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
namespace DiscordObjects {
=============================================================== CHANNEL OBJECT ==============================================================
|Field |Type |Description |Present |
|id |snowflake |the id of this channel (will be equal to the guild if it's the "general" channel) |Always |
|guild_id |snowflake |the id of the guild |Always |
|name |string |the name of the channel (2-100 characters) |Always |
|type |string |"text" or "voice" |Always |
|position |integer |the ordering position of the channel |Always |
|is_private |bool |should always be false for guild channels |Always |
|permission_overwrites |array |an array of overwrite objects |Always |
|topic |string |the channel topic (0-1024 characters) |Text only |
|last_message_id |snowflake |the id of the last message sent in this channel |Text only |
|bitrate |integer |the bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel |Voice only |
|user_limit |integer |the user limit of the voice channel |Voice only |
class Channel {
Channel(json data);
void load_from_json(json data);
std::string to_debug_string();
bool operator==(Channel rhs);
std::string id;
std::string guild_id;
std::string name;
std::string type;
int position;
bool is_private;
// TODO: Implement permission overwrites
// std::vector<Permission_Overwrite> permission_overwrites;
std::string topic;
std::string last_message_id;
int bitrate;
int user_limit;
inline Channel::Channel() {
id = guild_id = name = topic = last_message_id = "null";
position = bitrate = user_limit = -1;
is_private = false;
type = "text";
inline Channel::Channel(json data) : Channel() {
inline void Channel::load_from_json(json data) {
id = data.value("id", "null");
guild_id = data.value("guild_id", "null");
name = data.value("name", "null");
type = data.value("type", "text");
position = data.value("position", -1);
is_private = data.value("is_private", false);
topic = data.value("topic", "null");
last_message_id = data.value("last_message_id", "null");
bitrate = data.value("bitrate", -1);
user_limit = data.value("user_limit", -1);
inline std::string Channel::to_debug_string() {
return "**__Channel " + id + "__**"
+ "\n**guild_id:** " + guild_id
+ "\n**name:** " + name
+ "\n**type:** " + type
+ "\n**position:** " + std::to_string(position)
+ "\n**is_private:** " + std::to_string(is_private)
+ "\n**topic:** " + (topic == "" ? "[empty]" : topic)
+ "\n**last_message_id:** " + last_message_id
+ "\n**bitrate:** " + std::to_string(bitrate)
+ "\n**user_limit:** " + std::to_string(user_limit);
inline bool Channel::operator==(Channel rhs) {
return id == && id != "null";