## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## Jonathan Salwan - 2014-05-12 - ROPgadget tool ## ## http://twitter.com/JonathanSalwan ## http://shell-storm.org/project/ROPgadget/ ## import re try: import httplib except ImportError: import http.client as httplib from ropgadget.version import * class UpdateAlert(object): @staticmethod def checkUpdate(): try: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("raw.githubusercontent.com", 443) conn.request("GET", "/JonathanSalwan/ROPgadget/master/ropgadget/version.py") except: print("Can't connect to raw.githubusercontent.com") return d = conn.getresponse().read() majorVersion = re.search("MAJOR_VERSION.+=.+(?P[\d])", d).group("value") minorVersion = re.search("MINOR_VERSION.+=.+(?P[\d])", d).group("value") webVersion = int("%s%s" %(majorVersion, minorVersion)) curVersion = int("%s%s" %(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)) if webVersion > curVersion: print("The version %s.%s is available. Currently, you use the version %d.%d." %(majorVersion, minorVersion, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)) else: print("Your version is up-to-date.")