diff --git a/articles/f91w/index.html b/articles/f91w/index.html index 82c37b6..f21f897 100644 --- a/articles/f91w/index.html +++ b/articles/f91w/index.html @@ -12,27 +12,12 @@ + + + +
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cheri (and morello)

+ +



+CHERI is an acronym for +Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions. it is a security-focussed project aimed at +improving memory protection at the hardware level. the project is complex and it has many potential +applications. +


+in this article I will go into some basics to give an understanding behind some changes that CHERI +makes to how programs execute and are written. this will be focussed almost entirely in C, as this +is where my experience lies - it is also where some of the effects of CHERI are most easily felt. +this article is going to be a very simplistic introduction to CHERI, and I'm going to +attempt to explain the basics behind everything I cover. a basic understanding of C will be +beneficial. +


+note: the Morello +platform is an evaluation board produced by Arm to provide a +physical implementation of CHERI extending the Arm +AArch64 ISA. I previously worked on this platform at Arm, +porting the musl C library to +Morello. implementations for CHERI that are worth looking into from a more open perspective +are the MIPS (chapter 4) +and RISC-V (chapter 5) ones. Morello is the only implementation that exists in a true hard core +format, afaik - but this is obviously hard to obtain so you'll just be playing around with +emulators/models anyway. +

+ +

memory safety bugs


+to first understand how CHERI tries to fix some simple issues, let's first look at some simplified +examples of issues that arise when we aren't using a CHERI-based architecture. +

+ +

a simple memory safety bug


+let's take a look at this C code: +

+ +
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#include <stdio.h>
+int main() {
+    char my_perfect_string[] = "what a beautiful string"; // so beautiful, I sure hope no-one touches it
+    char user_name[32];
+    printf("enter your name: ");
+    fgets(user_name, 1000, stdin); // get user's name from stdin
+    printf("hello %s", user_name);
+    printf("my_perfect_string: %s\n", my_perfect_string);
+    return 0;
+ + +

+now let's try using our new program: +

+ +
$ ./membug
+enter your name: jack
+hello jack
+my_perfect_string: what a beautiful string
+ +

+works on my machine boss! code review +1, and merged... until our good friend + +Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. comes along. he emails me a strange +error he's seen: +

+ +
$ ./membug
+enter your name: Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr.
+hello Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr.
+my_perfect_string: hausenbergerdorff Sr.
+ +

+that's not supposed to happen! his name has spilled over into our my_perfect_string[] +array! turns out our issue is that when we use fgets(), we've set the second +parameter, size, to 1000 - but our user_name[32] array c1593an +only fit 32 characters (and the last of these should be a null terminator, so 31 usable characters). +fgets fills up user_name, but it hasn't finished with the name yet! it +doesn't care (or know) that user_name is full, it's just going to keep going until it +finishes our user input, or reads 999 characters from standard input. and thus it keeps mindlessly +writing, overwriting the memory we've used to store our precious perfect string (which happens to +be immediately after user_name). let's take a look at the stack in GDB to see why this +happens: +

+ +
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(gdb) b memdebug.c:7 
+(gdb) run 
+Breakpoint 1, main () at membug.c:7
+7           printf("enter your name: "); 
+(gdb) n
+8           fgets(user_name, 1000, stdin); // get user's name from stdin
+(gdb) n
+9           printf("hello %s", user_name);
+(gdb) x/56bc $sp
+0x7fffffffdbf0: 106 'j' 97 'a'  99 'c'  107 'k' 10 '\n' 0 '\000'        0 '\000'        0 '\000'
+0x7fffffffdbf8: 77 'M'  82 'R'  85 'U'  85 'U'  85 'U'  85 'U'  0 '\000'        0 '\000'
+0x7fffffffdc00: -24 '\350'      -78 '\262'      -5 '\373'       -9 '\367'       -1 '\377'       127 '\177'      0 '\000'        0 '\000'
+0x7fffffffdc08: 0 '\000'        82 'R'  85 'U'  85 'U'  85 'U'  85 'U'  0 '\000'        0 '\000'
+0x7fffffffdc10: 119 'w' 104 'h' 97 'a'  116 't' 32 ' '  97 'a'  32 ' '  98 'b'
+0x7fffffffdc18: 101 'e' 97 'a'  117 'u' 116 't' 105 'i' 102 'f' 117 'u' 108 'l'
+0x7fffffffdc20: 32 ' '  115 's' 116 't' 114 'r' 105 'i' 110 'n' 103 'g' 0 '\000'
+ +

+we can see our two character arrays are right next to each other on the stack +(user_name contains some gibberish as it is not zero-initialised. +


+note: this code was compiled with -fno-stack-protector to reproduce this +behaviour. compilers have certain techniques like this which can help protect against such attacks, +but there are often ways around these by using less primitive attacks. +


+okay, it's a pretty easy fix, we just need to change the fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream) +parameter size to 32. +


+note: you may initially think "why not 31? don't we need to save a character for +the null byte at the end?". thankfully, fgets does this for us. excerpt from man +fgets: "fgets() reads in at most one less than size characters from stream and stores +them into the buffer pointed to by s [...] A terminating null byte ('\0') is stored after the last +character in the buffer". this is a good question to be asking though, being careful is key when it +comes to these kinds of things. +

+ +

why hardware?


+okay, so that's an easy fix. why are we talking about doing anything in hardware here? just write +the code correctly! the issue is code gets very complex, and this is a very simplistic situation. +some memory safety bugs can be incredibly complicated and go unnoticed for decades. the C language +especially gives the programmer many, many opportunities to make mistakes - and it only takes one +to be a problem. a lot of the software we are using these days is based on stacks upon stacks of +software written in different languages, and there are going to be bugs in there. CHERI should +give us some protection "for free" (it's not this simple, in actuality). +


+some languages (e.g. Rust) are going to offer you strong memory safety guarantees +at compile-time, but that's not the topic of this article. the differences between doing this +kind of protection in software or hardware (or both) is more complex than the scope of this +article. in addition, CHERI's benefits are more wide in breadth than just protecting against this +kind of issue. +

+ +

pointers recap


+let's quickly recap a basic idea of what a pointer is. we're going to ignore things like +virtual memory for brevity. we can think +of a pointer in a normal 64-bit architecture (e.g. AArch64) simply as a 64-bit unsigned value that +holds the memory address of something we care about. this is a simplification (as are most things), +but it can help us reason about the general idea: +

int val = 1593;
+int *x = &val; // x points to val
+int *x0x0000010000000004addressmem[0x0000010000000004]mem[0x0000010000000000]mem[0x0000010000000008]1593memory (as ints) + +

+and on these normal architectures, this pointer generally is just a number. we can do weird things +with it, treating it as a number... +

+ 2
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#include <stdio.h>
+int main() {
+    int magic = 9999;
+    int arr[] = { 1234, 5678 };
+    int *x = &(arr[0]); // x is a pointer to first element of arr
+    printf("*x=%d\n", *x);
+    unsigned long x_addr = (size_t) x; // we're going to assume size_t = unsigned long here
+    x_addr += 4; // sizeof(int) == 4
+    x = (int *) x_addr;
+    printf("*x=%d\n", *x);
+    x_addr += 4;
+    x = (int *) x_addr;
+    printf("*x=%d\n", *x);
+    return 0;
+ +

...and this code will often still work:

$ ./ptrs_as_numbers
+ +

+yikes! now, when you start messing with pointers like this, you're bound to run into a bunch of +undefined behaviour. but C programmers write undefined behaviour all the time, and my computer +executes this program fine without complaining at all. doesn't it feel a bit weird that we can take +a pointer to arr[0] and modify it to load secret? they're not even part +of the same array... +

+ +

introducting capabilities


+CHERI introduces capabilities, which can be thought of as an extension to pointers. they still +store an address of something we care about, but they have extra information too! in a 64-bit +system, a pointer would typically be a 64-bit value (as dicussed previously). the corresponding +capability in a CHERI platform is 128 bits (or 129 bits if you look at it a certain way, more about +that later...). +


+as you might have guessed, this "extra information" takes up 64 bits of the capability. bits are +assigned to three key pieces of metadata: bounds, permissions, and +object type. there is also an additional 1-bit tag which is stored out-of-band: it is +not a 129-bit value - instead each 128-bit capability can be thought of as being associated with a +1-bit validity tag. the architecture manages this. the diagram below is provided as a rough +overview of this. note that it is not to scale. +

+int *x (capability)0x0000010000000004addressboundsobject typepermissionstag (out-of-band) + +

+I am mostly going to focus on bounds in this article, as it is not too difficult to grasp, +and the impact is fairly easy to demonstrate for some simple examples. the bounds represent an +upper and lower bound on the memory region (address space) that this capability is allowed to +access. if we try to use the capability to access some address outside of this range, the hardware +will throw a fault - it simply won't let us do this! +


+note: it is important to note that I am going to oversimplify the way the bounds are +stored in this article. this especially includes the diagram above. in reality, there is a complex +compression method, necessitated by the range and sizes required by bounds. this depends on the +address value, alignment, etc. for now, we shouldn't need to think about this much, just know it +will be managed for us. the key take-away from this is that bounds can't always be 100% precise +for all addresses and ranges. +


+can you imagine how we can use bounds to prevent our previous memory safety bug from occurring? the +key is that we can set the bounds on the capability pointing to user_name which we +pass to fgets, such that the capability may only access the contents of the array. +this means that when fgets tries to write past the end of the user_name +array, the processor will throw a capability fault, and execution of our program will cease. +


+the idea behind CHERI is that we don't have to set up these bounds ourselves. this is something the +compiler can generate code for. the compiler knows that the user_name array has a +length of 32, and can set the bounds accordingly on capabilities created that point to +it. let's try it... +

+ +

playing with CHERI RISC-V


+unless you're lucky enough to have access to a physical Morello board, there is the issue of +actually using a CHERI implementation. for this article I will be making use of the +QEMU emulator to emulate a +RISC-V CHERI environment. running +CheriBSD on this emulator will allow us to have a nice +FreeBSD-based capability-enabled environment to play around +with. I'll use cheribuild to easily get set +up: +

+ 2
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$ sudo apt install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config clang bison cmake \
+ninja-build samba flex texinfo time libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev \
+libarchive-dev libarchive-tools libbz2-dev libattr1-dev libcap-ng-dev
+$ git clone git@github.com:CTSRD-CHERI/cheribuild
+$ cd cheribuild
+$ ./cheribuild.py --include-dependencies --run/ssh-forwarding-port 2222 run-riscv64-purecap 
+CheriBSD/riscv (cheribsd-riscv64-purecap) (ttyu0)
+login: root
+root@cheribsd-riscv64-purecap:~ #
+ +

+now we have our shell inside our CheriBSD emulated platform, we can start to try things out. let's +compile our membug program again, this time with the toolchain targetting +CheriBSD RISC-V - this will have been built as part of the dependencies already. once it's built, +we can scp it over to the CheriBSD filesystem, as we set up the SSH forwarding port to +1111. +

# on a separate terminal on your host machine
+$ ~/cheri/output/sdk/utils/cheribsd-riscv64-purecap-clang membug.c -Wall -g -fno-stack-protector -o membug-cheribsd
+$ scp -P 2222 ./membug-cheribsd root@localhost:~/
+ + +

+and now we can see what happens when we explore our bug with CHERI: +

+enter your name: jack
+hello jack
+my_perfect_string: what a beautiful string
+$ ./membug-cheribsd
+enter your name: Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr.
+In-address space security exception (core dumped)

+it's working! we are getting a capability fault as we exceed the bounds of the +user_name capability bounds. we can use gdb to verify this is +caused by the bounds fault: +

+ +
(gdb) run
+Starting program: /root/membug-cheribsd 
+enter your name: Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr.
+Program received signal SIGPROT, CHERI protection violation.
+Capability bounds fault caused by register ca6.
+0x0000000040314ce8 in memcpy (dst0=0x3fffdfff44, src0=<optimized out>, length=54) at /home/jack/cheri/cheribsd/lib/libc/string/bcopy.c:143
+(gdb) p $ca6
+$1 = () 0x3fffdfff78 [rwRW,0x3fffdfff44-0x3fffdfff64]

+as we can see, the bounds for our user_name capability (which is stored in capability +register ca6) are 0x3fffdfff44-0x3fffdfff64, but the address is +0x3fffdfff78. this is out of the bounds allowed by the capability, so the architecture +throws a fault. if we look at the assembly generated by the compiler, we can see it set our +capability bounds to a size of 32 to enforce this behaviour: +

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0000000000001ce8 <main>:
+; int main() {
+    1ce8: 5b 11 01 f6  	cincoffset	csp, csp, -160
+    1cec: 23 48 11 08  	csc	cra, 144(csp)
+    1cf0: 23 40 81 08  	csc	cs0, 128(csp)
+    1cf4: 5b 14 01 0a  	cincoffset	cs0, csp, 160
+    1cf8: 5b 15 c4 fd  	cincoffset	ca0, cs0, -36
+    1cfc: 5b 26 45 00  	csetbounds	ca2, ca0, 4
+    1d00: 5b 15 44 fc  	cincoffset	ca0, cs0, -60
+    1d04: 5b 25 85 01  	csetbounds	ca0, ca0, 24
+    1d08: 23 40 a4 f8  	csc	ca0, -128(cs0)
+    1d0c: db 15 44 fa  	cincoffset	ca1, cs0, -92
+    1d10: db a5 05 02  	csetbounds	ca1, ca1, 32
+    1d14: 23 48 b4 f6  	csc	ca1, -144(cs0)
+    1d18: 81 45        	mv	a1, zero
+    1d1a: 23 3c b4 f8  	csd	a1, -104(cs0)
+    1d1e: 23 20 b6 00  	csw	a1, 0(ca2)
+ +

capability monotonicity


+at this point you may be thinking "okay, that's great, but if we can just set +the bounds of a capability with an instruction then what's the point? surely +I can just set global bounds on some random pointer and access whatever I want?" +


+fundamental to the idea of capabilities is their provenance and +monotonicity. simply put, the first says we can only construct a +capability using specific instructions, from an existing capability. we can't +just create a capability from some random number. let's see what happens when +we try to run our ptrs_as_numbers program on CheriBSD: +

+ 2
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(gdb) run
+Starting program: /root/ptrs_as_numbers-cheribsd 
+Program received signal SIGPROT, CHERI protection violation.
+Capability tag fault caused by register ca1.
+0x0000000000101c66 in main () at ptrs_as_numbers.c:14
+14          printf("*x=%d\n", *x);
+(gdb) p $ca1
+$1 = () 0x3fffdfff74
+ +

+we can see we get a fault - the tag isn't set. any capability with a tag not +set to 1 cannot be dereferenced - it is invalid. in fact, this capability has +no capability metadata - when we copied it into our unsigned long, +we just copied the 64-bit address. +


+monotonicity is what stops us taking an existing capability, and +creating a capability with more permissions and/or access than the original. it +stipulates that when we create a capability from another capability (which we +have to do - provenance), the permissions and bounds of the new capability must +be equal to or less than the original. so our bounds can only get narrower as +we create new capabilites from an existing capability. this means that +capabilities trace back in a chain - they are all created from other +capabilities, and narrowed as necessary. in this case, (simplified) when the +kernel loads our program it will give us capabilities that are wide enough to +do everything we need to do, and the compiler will try and make sure all the +capabilities that we make and use from these are as tightly bound and +unpermissive as possible. +


CHERI-fying code


+you'll notice we got a lot of these benefits "for free". we only had to +recompile our code, and we got this extra security. of course, CHERI does +require changes to programs. naturally, the compiler had to be changed a lot to +implement this behaviour. it also especially requires changes to things like +the C library and kernel in order to take advantage of the features fully. +sufficiently large userspace programs do need changes too. one common issue is +that a lot of existing C code assumes that +sizeof (*void) == sizeof(size_t). with CHERI, our pointers are +now twice as big. however, size_t hasn't changed size, as the +address space size hasn't changed - for example, if we index into an array with +size_t, the index should still be the same size; the extra data in +our void * capability is the metadata, not extra address data. any +program that tries to convert from some unsigned long or +size_t to a capability will fault - this violates provenance. so, +sometimes code changes have to be made to ensure we are keeping the capability +metadata around. +

+ +



+I appreciate this has been a fragmented and surface level introduction to +CHERI. hopefully it has provided some education in some basic aims of CHERI +regardless. potential benefits and uses for CHERI go much deeper than anything +I've touched on here, so please, read more about everything - and get your +hands dirty trying out messing about with qemu and CheriBSD! +


+here are some links to check out: +


+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/style/pygments.css b/style/pygments.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d2ed62 --- /dev/null +++ b/style/pygments.css @@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ +/* +generated by Pygments +Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team. +Licensed under the BSD license, see LICENSE for details. +*/ +pre { + line-height: 125%; + font-size: 1.25rem; + margin-top: 0; +} + +.highlighttable { + display: block; + overflow-x: auto; +} + +td.linenos { + border-right: 3px solid rgb(252, 169, 184); + padding-right: 10px; + border-radius: 3px; + padding-top: 3px; + padding-bottom: 3px; +} + +td.code { + padding-left: 15px; +} + +body .hll { + background-color: #6e7681 +} + +body .c { + color: #8b949e; + font-style: italic +} + +/* Comment */ +body .err { + color: #f85149 +} + +/* Error */ +body .esc { + color: #c9d1d9 +} + +/* Escape */ +body .g { + color: #c9d1d9 +} + +/* Generic */ +body .k { + color: #ff7b72 +} + +/* Keyword */ +body .l { + color: #a5d6ff +} + +/* Literal */ +body .n { + color: #c9d1d9 +} + +/* Name */ +body .o { + color: #ff7b72; 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+ font-weight: bold +} + +/* Name.Function.Magic */ +body .vc { + color: #79c0ff +} + +/* Name.Variable.Class */ +body .vg { + color: #79c0ff +} + +/* Name.Variable.Global */ +body .vi { + color: #79c0ff +} + +/* Name.Variable.Instance */ +body .vm { + color: #79c0ff +} + +/* Name.Variable.Magic */ +body .il { + color: #a5d6ff +} + +/* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/style/stylesheet.css b/style/stylesheet.css index 425ca43..411b4ce 100644 --- a/style/stylesheet.css +++ b/style/stylesheet.css @@ -41,3 +41,29 @@ a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } + +.article p a, .article li a { + font-weight: normal; + text-decoration: underline; + word-wrap: break-word; +} + +.article p img { + max-width: 100%; + display: block; +} + +code, pre { + font-family: TeXGyreCursor; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +p code { + font-size: 1.5rem; + color: #a5d6ff; +} + +table { + border-spacing: 0; +} \ No newline at end of file