Compare commits
No commits in common. "c3cfdefc0d15c27fccbe890494525bc28449430a" and "d2f61f03752a736192535cdce3df5adabe05c47d" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: cv-build
# Controls when the workflow will run
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the "master" branch
branches: [ "master" ]
- cv/**
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Set up Git repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Compile LaTeX document
uses: xu-cheng/latex-action@v2
working_directory: cv
root_file: main.tex
- name: Move built .pdf
run: |
mv cv/main.pdf ./static/cv.pdf
- name: Commit built .pdf
uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9
add: 'cv.pdf'
author_name: 'Jack Bond-Preston'
author_email: ''
message: '[github action] update cv.pdf'
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
% Choose bibliography style for formatting list of publications
% Choose theme, e.g. black, RedViolet, ForestGreen, MidnightBlue
% More predefined colors can be found in
% Example photograph taken from Wikimedia Commons
% Heading
\headinginline{Jack Bond-Preston}{
Website: \website{} \\
Email: \email{} \\
LinkedIn: \linkedin{jack-bond-preston-922706150} \\
GitHub: \github{jackbondpreston}
% \headingphoto{Name Surname}{
% Website: \website{} \\
% Email: \email{} \\
% LinkedIn: \linkedin{name-surname} \\
% GitHub: \github{example}
% }{photo.jpg}
% Page One
% Page Two
% \sidebyside
% {\import{sections/}{languages.tex}}
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
\section{Scholarships and Awards}
\entry{Some Scholarship \hfill 2018\textendash 2020}
\entry{Some Award \hfill 2018\fillyear{\textendash 2018}}
\entry{Some Award \hfill 2017\fillyear{\textendash 2017}}
\entry{Some Award \hfill 2016\fillyear{\textendash 2016}}
\entry{Some Scholarship \hfill 2013\textendash 2018}
\entry{Some Scholarship \hfill 2013\textendash 2018}
\entry{Some Award \hfill 2013\fillyear{\textendash 2013}}
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
{\textbf{University of Bristol}}{Bristol, UK}
{BSc in Computer Science (1st Class Hons)}{2017\textendash 2020}
\entry{Awarded prize for best second-year group software development project.}
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
{\textbf{AMD, Inc. (formerly Xilinx)}}{Cambridge, UK}
{Software Engineer in Adaptive and Embedded Computing Group}{2022\textendash Current}
\entry{Developing AMDs Onload userspace network stack.}
{\textbf{Arm Ltd.}}{Cambridge, UK}
{Graduate Software Engineer in Open Source Software Group}{2021\textendash2022}
\entry{Porting low-level software to the Morello (CHERI) platform.}
\entryextra{Produced patches in C and AArch64 assembly as part of a project porting the open-source C standard library implementation musl to a new prototype platform.}
\entryextra{Ported larger components of the C library, including the memory allocator and POSIX threads. Considered security and hardening against memory safety bugs at every stage of design and implementation.}
\entryextra{Created a minimal test distribution of Linux for use on an Arm Fixed Virtual Platform, with the ability to run userspace applications in pure-capability mode. This provided the framework for adding FVP-based testing to the CI pipeline (alongside existing emulator-based testing) for further proof of functionality.}
\entryextra{Liased with multiple teams to ensure coordination between libc, kernel ABI, compilers and debuggers.}
\entryextra{Provided code review including feedback and improvements for patches developed by others for the musl project.}
{\textbf{University of Bristol}}{Bristol, UK}
{Teaching Assistant in Department of Computer Science}{2019\textendash 2020}
\entry{Delivered and created content for several Computer Science courses, including content involving operating systems, concurrency, and a software engineering project.}
\entryextra{Provided guidance and troubleshooting assistance to students in both in-person and online lab sessions, including for a course in which students develop a basic Armv7-A multitasking kernel.}
\entryextra{Interviewed students in viva-style coursework assessments, and assisted with subsequent coursework marking.}
\entryextra{Assisted with the creation and improvement of lab sheets (including skeleton and solution code).}
% \entrybig
% {\textbf{Evolve East Anglia CIC}}{Norwich, UK}
% {Support Worker}{2020\textendash Current}
% \innerlist{
% \entry{Assisting vulnerable adults with transitioning to a permanent living situation after suffering mental difficulties.}
% \entryextra{Handled crises swiftly, independently and effectively.}
% \entryextra{Built upon existing communication skills and knowledge about wellbeing and mental health.}
% }
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
\section{Extracurricular Activities}
{Member at Some Club}{2017\textendash Current}
{Detailed explanation of what you do at this club}
{Member at Some Club}{2016\textendash 2017}
{Detailed explanation of what you do at this club}
{Volunteer at Some Event}{Fall 2019}
{Detailed explanation of what you do in this event}
{Volunteer at Some Event}{Winter 2015}
{Detailed explanation of what you do in this event}
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\entry{\textbf{English:} Native speaker}
\entry{\textbf{German:} CEFR A2/B1 (Elementary/Low Intermediate)}
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
See full list of projects on \website{}
{Project Title (Technology Used, 2019)}{}
{Short explanation of the project}{}
{Project Title (Technology Used, 2019)}{}
{Short explanation of the project}{}
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
% Can instead manually enter publications as shown:
% \section{Publications}
% \orderedouterlist{
% \entry{S. Petridis, J. Shen, \textbf{D. Cetin} and M. Pantic, "Visual-Only Recognition of Normal, Whispered And Silent Speech", \textit{IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2018}}
% }
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
\entry{\textbf{Low-Level Software \& Architecture:} C, C++ (inc. 11/17/20 standards), Armv7/8/9 (assembly \& architecture), RISC-V, CHERI, GNU Make, CMake.}
\entry{\textbf{Software Engineering:} Git, Gerrit, Linux, Bash \& Zsh, Python, Java, Haskell, Agile, Jira.}
\entry{\textbf{Web Development:} HTML5, Modern CSS, ECMAScript 2015+ \& Typescript, Vue.js, Spring Boot, SQL.}
\entry{\textbf{Teaching:} Giving lectures \& seminars, interviewing, marking coursework, giving knowledge sharing presentations.}
\entry{\textbf{Design:} 3D modelling, vector graphics, Photoshop.}
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
{\textbf{Head Teaching Assistant} at University Name}{Spring 2019}{Course Name (COURSE CODE)}
{\textbf{Teaching Assistant} at University Name}{Spring 2017}{Course Name (COURSE CODE)}
@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
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