\section{Experience} \outerlist{ \entrybig {\textbf{Arm Ltd.}}{Cambridge, UK (Hybrid)} {Software Engineer in Infrastructure Application Solutions group}{2023\textendash Current} \innerlist{ \entry{Contributing to the open source DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) project (using C), including making large performance improvements to the OpenSSL PMD (Poll-Mode Driver) - as well as changes to OpenSSL itself (using C and arm64 assembly).} \entry{Research and implementations in the area of HPC/AI infrastructure/networking, especially RDMA and memory management on heterogeneous memory systems - comprising work on projects including PyTorch (using C++ and Python), Gloo (using C++).} \entryextra{Coordinating collaboration between IAS and Secure Libraries teams, helping to ensure enablement of competitive IPSec performance on Arm platforms.} \entryextra{Technical mentorship for graduate engineer.} \entryextra{Code reviews across multiple projects including DPDK [C], PyTorch [C++, Python], OpenSSL [C, arm64 assembly], VPP [C], Snort3 [C++].} \entryextra{Knowledge sharing documents and presentations, especially around OpenSSL performance work and heterogeneous memory management.} } \entrybig {\textbf{AMD (formerly Xilinx / Solarflare)}}{Cambridge, UK (Hybrid)} {Software Engineer in Adaptive and Embedded Computing Group}{2022\textendash 2023} \innerlist{ \entry{Developing AMDs transparent, ultra-low-latency, kernel-bypass network stack - Onload - using C.} \entryextra{Performance optimisation and benchmarking/profiling work.} \entryextra{Improvements, debugging, and bugfixes for teaming/bonding support.} \entryextra{Extending and modernising internal automated tests} } \entrybig {\textbf{Arm Ltd.}}{Cambridge, UK (Hybrid)} {Graduate Software Engineer in Open Source Software Group}{2021\textendash2022} \innerlist{ \entry{Porting low-level software to the Morello (CHERI) platform.} \entryextra{Produced patches as part of a project porting the open-source C standard library implementation musl to a new prototype platform (using C and arm64 assembly).} \entryextra{Ported larger components of the C library, including the memory allocator and POSIX threads. Considered security and hardening against memory safety bugs at every stage of design and implementation.} \entryextra{Created a minimal test distribution of Linux for use on an Arm Fixed Virtual Platform, with the ability to run userspace applications in pure-capability mode. This provided the framework for adding FVP-based testing to the CI pipeline (alongside existing emulator-based testing) for further proof of functionality.} \entryextra{Liased with multiple teams to ensure coordination between libc, kernel ABI, compilers and debuggers.} } % %\entrybig % {\textbf{University of Bristol}}{Bristol, UK} % {Teaching Assistant in Department of Computer Science}{2019\textendash 2020} % \innerlist{ % \entry{Delivered and created content for several Computer Science courses, including content involving operating systems, concurrency, and a software engineering project.} % \entryextra{Provided guidance and troubleshooting assistance to students in both in-person and online lab sessions, including for a course in which students develop a basic Armv7-A multitasking kernel.} % \entryextra{Interviewed students in viva-style coursework assessments, and assisted with subsequent coursework marking.} % \entryextra{Assisted with the creation and improvement of lab sheets (including skeleton and solution code).} % } % \entrybig % {\textbf{Evolve East Anglia CIC}}{Norwich, UK} % {Support Worker}{2020\textendash Current} % \innerlist{ % \entry{Assisting vulnerable adults with transitioning to a permanent living situation after suffering mental difficulties.} % \entryextra{Handled crises swiftly, independently and effectively.} % \entryextra{Built upon existing communication skills and knowledge about wellbeing and mental health.} % } }