_css_file: main_documentation.css audio_format_suffixes: - mp3 - webm - wav - m4a - ogg - 3gp - flac copy_output_file_method: default copy_vault_to_tempdir: true copy_vault_to_tempdir_follow_copy: false copy_vault_to_tempdir_method: default embeddable_file_suffixes: - pdf exclude_glob: - /.obsidian - /.trash - /.DS_Store - /.git exclude_subfolders: file_exports: [] html_custom_footer_inclusions: [] html_custom_inclusions: [] html_output_folder_path_str: output/html html_template_path_str: '' html_url_prefix: '' included_file_suffixes: - jpg - jpeg - gif - png - bmp - svg - mp4 - webm - ogv - mov - mkv - mp3 - wav - m4a - ogg - 3gp - flac - pdf included_folders: [] keep_module_file_versions: false max_note_depth: -1 md_entrypoint_path_str: output/md/index.md md_folder_path_str: output/md md_source_host_urls: [] meta_modules_post: - name: resource_logger persistent: true module_config: get_file_list: exclude_glob: value: - .obsidian/**/* - .trash/**/* - .DS_Store/**/* - .git/**/* include_glob: value: '*' module_data_folder: output/mod module_list: convert_markdown_to_html: [] convert_note_to_markdown: [] finalize: - description: - Creates the log of which module resources were accessed by which module - Requires persistent meta_module of the same name to work! method: finalize name: resource_logger persistent: true preparation: - description: Merges the user config with default config and runs checks. name: process_config - description: Determine all paths of interest based on input. name: load_paths - description: Fills in auto values that can be read from the vault config. name: process_config_auto - description: Prepare and export templates used to create html output. name: html_templater persistent: true - name: load_graphers persistent: true - description: - Basic file listing based on include_folder/exclude_glob combination - Further filtering can be done in further modules name: get_file_list - description: - Gets the metadata of each markdown file, and stores it under metadata/.json name: parse_metadata - description: - Filter out markdown files that do not comply to certain metadata requirements name: filter_on_metadata - description: - Copy vault to temporary directory, so that we can edit the obsidian notes themselves safely. - Must be persistent! name: copy_vault_to_tempdirectory persistent: true - description: - Ensures the output folders are created - Optionally removes previous output if it exists in the target directories name: prepare_output_folders navbar_links: [] obsidian_entrypoint_path_str: ./ obsidian_folder_path_str: resolve_output_file_links: true site_name: Obsidian-Html/Notes toggles: allow_duplicate_filenames_in_root: true compile_html: true compile_md: true debug_filetree_keys: false external_blank: false features: backlinks: enabled: true breadcrumbs: enabled: false callouts: enabled: true code_highlight: enabled: true create_index_from_dir_structure: enabled: true exclude_files: - .gitignore - favicon.ico - not_created.html exclude_subfolders: - .git - __src - md - obs.html homepage_label: index rel_output_path: obs.html/dir_index.html styling: show_icon: true verbose: false create_index_from_tags: add_links_in_graph_tree: true enabled: false exclude_paths: - .gitignore homepage_label: index match_on_inline_tags: false rel_output_path: obs.html/tag_index.md sort: key_path: '' method: none none_on_bottom: true reverse: false value_prefix: '' styling: include_folder_in_link: false tags: [] use_as_homepage: false verbose: false dataview: enabled: false folder: obs.html/export embedded_note_titles: enabled: true hide_on_h1: true embedded_search: enabled: false eraser: enabled: true folder_notes: enabled: false naming: folder name placement: outside folder footnote_md_extension: enabled: true graph: coalesce_force: '-30' enabled: true show_inclusions_in_graph: true styling: show_icon: true templates: - id: 2d name: 2d path: builtin<2d> - id: 3d name: 3d path: builtin<3d> math_latex: enabled: true mermaid_diagrams: enabled: true strip_special_chars: false post_processing: [] rss: channel: description: language_code: en-us managing_editor: n/a title: Notes web_master: n/a website_link: enabled: false host_root: https://localhost:8000/ items: description: selectors: - - yaml - rss:description - - first-paragraphs - 2 -

- - first-header - 1 publish_date: default_value: '' format_string: '' iso_formatted: true selectors: - - yaml - rss:publish_date - - yaml_strip - tags - - date/ selector: exclude_files: - not_created.html - index.html exclude_keys: [] exclude_subfolders: - .git - obs.html include_subfolders: [] match_keys: [] title: selectors: - - yaml - rss:title - - first-header - 1 - - path - - parent - 1 - / - - stem styling: show_icon: true search: add_files: true enabled: true styling: show_icon: true try_preload: false side_pane: left_pane: close_if_empty: false content_args: div_selector: .content rel_path: index.html strip_sub_divs: - .toc strip_tags: [] contents: dir_tree enabled: true width: 20rem right_pane: close_if_empty: true content_args: div_selector: .content rel_path: index.html strip_sub_divs: - .toc contents: toc enabled: true width: 16rem smiles: enabled: false height: 300px theme: dark width: 100% styling: accent_color: 65, 76, 253 add_dir_list: true add_toc: flip_panes: header_template: full layout: documentation loading_bg_color: 22, 22, 22 max_note_width: 120rem toc_pane: table_of_contents: add_toc_when_missing: false only_show_for_multiple_headers: true tags_page: enabled: true styling: show_icon: true show_in_note_footer: true theme_picker: enabled: true styling: show_icon: true force_filename_to_lowercase: true img_alt_text_use_figure: true no_clean: false no_tabs: true preserve_inline_tags: true process_all: false relative_path_html: false relative_path_md: true slugify_html_links: false stdout_current_file: false strict_line_breaks: false verbose_printout: false warn_on_skipped_file: true warn_on_skipped_image: true wrap_inclusions: false verbosity: info video_format_suffixes: - mp4 - webm - ogv - mov - mkv