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The numeral 一yī may be pronounced three different ways:
- 一 When 一 is used alone, or stands at the end of a sentence, or is used as part of an ordinal number. 十一 shíyī Eleven
- 一 + (4th tone) When 一 is followed by a fourth tone, it takes the second tone. 一件 yíjiàn One (mw. clothing item)
- 一 + (1st/2nd/3rd tone) When 一 is followed by other tones, it takes the fourth tone. 一本 yìběn One (mw. book)
- 一 + (neutral tone) If the neutral toned syllable was originally 4th tone, then (2) applies - e.g. yígè -> yíge Else, (3) applies