zhongwen-obsidian/Verb Reduplication.md
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Verb Reduplication.md
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Verbs can be repeated in the form of (verb1 + verb1) to express the meaning of "to do it a little bit". The repeated syllable is always in the neutral tone.

  1. 请你想想这个问题 Please think about this problem a little
  2. 请你给我们介绍介绍中国的民歌 Please tell us a little bit about Chinese folk songs For two syllable verbs, as in (2), the stress falls on the first and third syllables: jièshaojièshao.

Reduplicating a verb indicates a tentative notion, a trivialisation of an action either in terms of duration to complete it, or the consequences of it. Therefore it's often used for the following purposes:

  1. To describe a "short" action which someone hopes or intends to carry out:
    • 走走 zǒuzou: to talk a walk (say, a 20 minute stroll - not a 2 hour hike)
    • 下课以后,我们经常去咖啡馆坐坐,喝喝咖啡。 After class, we often go to a cafe (and sit there) for a while, and have some coffee.
  2. To express the idea of trying to do something:
    • 我说说,你听对不对。 I'll try to say this; listen and see if it's correct.
    • 我今天下午去找找他,看他在不在。 I'll go and look for him this afternoon, and see if he's there or not.
  3. To soften the tone of a command, request, or suggestion:
    • 老师让我们想想这个问题。 The teacher told us to think about the problem a bit.
    • 请你开开门 Please open the door
    • 他写的汉字非常漂亮。你看看。 The Chinese characters he wrote are very beautiful. Take a look!
    • 你们现在没事儿,来我家坐坐,休息休息。 Now that you don't have anything to do, come to my house and sit and relax a little.

Reduplication only occurs for volitional actional verbs - those that one carries out by intention. Adjectives, transitive quality verbs, and 是, 在, 有 do not undergo this reduplication.